
If you’re visiting the Scottish Highlands, one experience you don’t want to miss is the chance to see dolphins in the wild. Chanonry Point, located on the Black Isle just north of Inverness, is a well-known spot for dolphin sightings. Here are some tips to help you increase your chances of seeing these playful creatures up close.


1. Timing is Key

Dolphins are more likely to be seen at Chanonry Point during high tide. The best times to spot them are two hours before and after high tide. You can check tide times online or through local sources to plan your visit accordingly.

2. Bring Binoculars

While dolphins can often be seen from the shore, having binoculars can help you get a closer look and better appreciate their beauty. Consider bringing a pair of binoculars with you for the best experience.

3. Be Patient

Dolphins are wild creatures, and their appearance can be unpredictable. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see them right away. Sometimes it takes a bit of patience and waiting before they show up.

4. Dress for the Weather

The weather in the Scottish Highlands can be unpredictable, so make sure you dress appropriately. Wear layers and bring waterproof gear just in case.

5. Respect the Dolphins and their Habitat

When you do spot dolphins, make sure to keep a respectful distance. Do not attempt to touch or feed them, and avoid getting too close with boats or other watercraft. Also, remember to pick up after yourself and respect the environment.

6. Consider a Guided Tour

If you want to increase your chances of seeing dolphins, consider booking a guided tour with a local expert. They will have knowledge of the best times and locations to spot dolphins, and can provide additional information on these fascinating creatures.


Seeing dolphins in their natural habitat can be an unforgettable experience. By following these tips, you can increase your chances of spotting them at Chanonry Point while respecting the environment and the animals themselves. Don’t forget your binoculars and your patience, and enjoy the beauty of these majestic creatures!