Introduction to Clootie Well

If you are looking for a unique and mystical experience on the Black Isle in Scotland, then you should visit Clootie Well. This is a holy well (or sacred spring) where people leave small strips of cloth or ribbons as part of a healing ritual. The well is surrounded by trees that are covered with these colourful offerings.

How to get to Clootie Well

Clootie Well is located near Munlochy, about 10 miles (16 km) north of Inverness. You can reach it by car or by bus from Inverness. There is a small car park near the well where you can leave your vehicle.

The well is signposted from the road and is a short walk along a path through the woods. You will soon see the trees adorned with cloths of various shapes and sizes.

What to expect at Clootie Well

Clootie Well is an ancient site that has been used for centuries by people who believe in its healing powers. The word “clootie” comes from Scots and means “cloth” or “rag”. The tradition is to dip a piece of cloth in the well water and tie it to a branch while making a wish or saying a prayer2.

The idea is that as the cloth fades and rots away, so does the illness or problem that afflicts the person who left it. Some people also leave coins, jewellery or other items as offerings.

The well itself is a small pool of water with a stone wall around it. There is also an altar-like structure where candles and incense are sometimes burned. The atmosphere is peaceful and serene, but also eerie and mysterious.

You might feel curious about the stories behind each cloth or item. You might also feel inspired to leave your own offering or simply admire the colourful display.

Why visit Clootie Well

Clootie Well is a fascinating place to visit for anyone who loves history, culture and folklore. The well is linked to ancient Celtic traditions that predate Christianity. It is also associated with local legends such as Saint Boniface who supposedly blessed the well in the 7th century.

Clootie Well is also a place of spirituality and wonder. Many people still visit it today seeking healing, guidance or solace. Some claim to have experienced miracles or positive changes after visiting the well.

Whether you believe in its magic or not, Clootie Well will surely captivate you with its charm and mystery.

Walking Map

Clootie Well Walking Map
Clootie Well – Walking Map (0.4 miles)

Walking GPS